I can't really think of a specific 'first memory'. I remember things I used to do as a kid- 'feeding' my soft toys with spoons and empty yoghurt pottles, creating mansions for Barbie dolls with my sister using every accessory we had, and coffee tables and cardboard boxes to create different floors. I don't remember how old I was when I started doing those things.
I remember being scared of getting in trouble at my first year of primary school. I remember my Dad (an avid model car collector) giving me a little yellow convertible (I think it was a Mercedes) for my 3rd birthday. I remember unwrapping an Esméralda Barbie-like doll at a birthday or Christmas, and being so happy because I'd dreamed of having one for months (probably weeks, who knows) but I don't know how old I was then. I remember finding my aunt's cat with a live baby rabbit on their farm, and 'rescuing' it- it wasn't until several years later that I realised it probably didn't survive long after we left for home, being a big time pest and all.
I remember when our golden Labrador Shadow had eleven puppies, and we were left with five of them to raise until they were homed. I remember Mum explaining to me how Shadow got pregnant and being disgusted, but didn't make the connection for a few years that humans reproduce in the same manner.
I remember being too short to reach a fabric wall hanging kind of like this, and Dad convincing my sister and I that if your peeked around the bonnet you could see her face. I remember going along with my cousin in telling my sister that there was a secret staircase in my wardrobe, then shutting her in there. I remember my little sister starting school, and thinking to myself how tiny her hands were when we walked to Mum's car at the end of the day (I would have only been seven myself).
My parents and I, my teddy bear Hans and I (he now looks like this), my little sister Emily and I, me being typically squinty and frizzy-haired.
You look so different, yet the same. #Confused
My favourite teddy bear was a Rupert Bear that my grandmother made for me. I can remember getting very upset because it somehow got lost when we moved to NZ when I was 8.
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