Thursday, September 15, 2011

#4 Safe

Apologies for these terrible photos of my painting this month. I was planning to wait until the day after deadline to take some in daylight... and then I remembered I don't finish work until after dark tomorrow night. Yep, 12 hours tomorrow! I volunteered, but now kind of regretting it of course. Oh well, at least I can sleep all weekend if need be!

This month's challenge was 'safe'. I started with photographs of my parents' house that I took on my last visit, then drew it out all nicely on canvas. After putting a couple of neat layers down, I switched it up and started slapping on the white acrylic. Besides the very rough shape and rough position of windows, it obviously doesn't look much like the house anymore. The red polka dots are from the wallpaper in my little sisters' bedroom, and the wedges on the right represent the four members of my family.

The 'safe' prompt immediately made me think of the safety of my family. I spent the first 17 years of my life in this house, it's my family's home, and it's definitely the place I feel safest.

Don't forget to click over to the Monthly Painters' Challenge Facebook page and check out everyone else's submissions!
"Memory Box"
Acrylic, Aerosol, Gouache on Canvas
30 X 50cm


Another Diamond Day said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hey I love this! Is this a project open to all or just for a few? I'd be interested to join. Let me know! My email address is:

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

beautiful piece of art xo

galatea. said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

hey, nice blog! glad to have found it x