Thursday, June 09, 2011

Jessie Juxtaposed... ISWYDT

All credit to Saskia the Style Fairy for alerting me to the above the moment I logged on to Blogger this morning. I was simply too shocked not to post on my own blog, but make sure you jump over and follow Saskia if you don't already!

If you don't know who Jessie J is, well, I can't say I really blame you. Up until now I liked her a heck of a lot more than Lady Gaga, but she's still not really my thing. Everything about her look was far too harsh (click here to open a photo in a new window if you still can't place her).

Now I know I'm at risk of being a total hypocrite when talking negatively about her old super-straight, super-blunt fringe (bangs), because I just can't seem to stop attempting to make one work myself. However I think that after seeing the above pictures of Jessie from the Woman of the Year Glamour Awards UK (in which she was named Woman of Tomorrow) I may be finally convinced that every girl needs eyebrows. Which you would expect me to know by now, considering how much care I give mine... in my defense, I battle with having both well-groomed eyebrows, and a fivehead. Dilemma. I also have trouble accepting the fact I have a round face and while I know I absolutely should not even attempt a fringe... I just can't help it. But if even strong-jaw-Jessie can't pull it off, I really have to let it go

I digress.

The 'new' Jessie J looks a zillion times more gorgeous than the 'old'. Fin.

Image source.


Kirsten Read said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hey thanks so much for linking back to me :) Doesn't she look fab?! And you are so right about the brows! xx

k said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

wow that is a VAST improvement from that linked picture! whoa.

Alice Jones said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Heh heh heh- I'm being a bit unfair with that linked picture, but still, she was all wacky poses and gaping mouths and widened eyes.

Kaylee Hinrichs said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I can't get over the fact that her eyelashes look so funky in this photo. All gunky and whatnot.

Matthew Codd said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on this subject Alice.
The "old" JJ looked a zillion times more gorgeous than the "new".

Most striking thing is not even the hair: she looks like she's lost a ton of weight; it might just be the dress and the angle of that photo. I just don't think she looks good when she's that slim. Few woman do.

As for the hair, I think the Cleopatra haircut that she normally wears is one of the best hairstyles ever, even if it is so common at the moment thanks to JJ and Nicki Minaj. It's a style that obviously suits some more than others, but I've never seen someone with it who downright looks bad with it.

In summary, Jessie J was right up top of my most-beautiful-famous-people-who-I'm-absolutely-in-love-with list, alongside Nicki Minaj, Audrey Tautou, Christina Hendricks and Drew Barrymore, until I saw these photos :(