Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 12 of 30/Babes

As anyone who has previously read a recent post on my blog will know, I'm currently sprinting my way through the three released seasons of Breaking Bad. I didn't think any show could ever come close to the glee I get from watching Dexter, but this show is certainly getting there. And I'm told by a film-buff friend, whose taste I can trust, that I'm juuust about to reach the best part! Squee! Anyway, pictured are Krysten Ritter and Aaron Paul, the babes of the show.

Also, today is day 12. I joined Blogger last year, and this was my first post. I did others between that post and the present-day ones, but they're all a bit irrelevant. I've had Xanga and Livejournals in the past, but this is my first blog I'm happy to advertise. I have it to share my artwork, and draw in customers when I have sales and exhibitions. Also just for a hobby, and a future record for myself.