Monday, April 04, 2011


No, I am not introducing you to some fantastic new abstract artist today. In fact, the majority of you will have seen at least one of the above pictures before, even if you haven't stumbled across the website. These are in fact Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Alice in Wonderland and Amelie, each one created by compressing each frame of a film into a single vertical line. Magic, no? If I were a fashion/outfit blogger, I would toootally use one of these compressed films periodically as my colour palette. If I win the Lotto in the near future, I'll use this idea myself. View twelve pages worth of the magic here on Movie Barcode.

Moving house on Saturday was very successful! The only hitch was a minor setback in picking up Matt's new bed, but we found a solution. I was hugely impressed by (and grateful to) Wallace and his reaction to the move. He freaked out a bit as everything was leaving our apartment, but once he got over to the new house, he jumped out of his cage, snaked his way around each room, used his litter box, then quickly started prancing around, getting under everyone's feet and demanding attention! He has very quickly made himself at home. Unfortunately we probably won't have the internet for a week or so, because our internet provider is a massive pain in the butt. I'm planning to do a video tour of our new house tonight, but it may be a few days before I am able to upload it.

Now that moving's all over, the next thing I'm looking forward to is the first session of my tattoo on Wednesday! 2011 is fabulous.

Also, welcome to anyone who has found their way over here by clicking my button on My Girl Thursday's lovely blog. I have signed up for a three month sponsor spot at this stage, and will be tracking the value of this on Google Analytics. Please do say hello if you are one of the new visitors, I would love to check out your blogs.

Lastly, I have a couple of new buttons over on the sidebar, with a link to a whole bunch more if you need them. Pleeease do let me know if you use one! It is totally flattering and exciting when I discover a new traffic source on Analytics and see my button on an unfamiliar website, but it would be much better if you told me so I can check your blog out straight away!

Hope your Monday is as good as it can possibly be! Will update as soon as I am able, so stay tuned!


Sam said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

wow, they are awesome! i'm gonna have a good look at them when I'm not almost falling asleep!

Glad you're settling into your new place (especially Wallace!) x

Matthew Codd said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Can I cameo in the video tour if you haven't done it already? :D